We are phony, passive, and occasionally genuine. I was reminded recently how fickle human nature is.

Probably the opposite of genuine is being phony. Something about human nature makes us want to put on a good show instead of being authentic. Ugh. I do it myself.

The other human characteristic is being passive. Instead of speaking out against obvious wrongs, a person can just be passive. Both phony and passive lead to (in my opinion) uncaring hearts.

The best way to learn is from others.

I have been watching several videos on flower farming. Of course, experience is the best teacher, but for now I will be gaining knowledge. I also follow several flower farmers. One newbie flower farmer mentioned the hardest thing was getting information from seasoned flower farmers. It was like asking someone how old they are and how rude that is. ‘Everyone’ knows you don’t share tips and tricks for free.

It was actually refreshing listening to several of their videos because they did share a lot of information. I will be going back to their website often to do more research. Not only do they have useful information, but I appreciated the straight forward style. These people were genuine. And, it is hard to find free flower farming information!! I know, I looked for months and finally signed up for a workshop several months back.

I understand one should not be exploited by taking years of hard work and not getting rewarded for sharing the knowledge. That makes sense. What I did learn from listening to the novice flower farmers was that I need to be genuine. Genuine in my thoughts toward others. Phony, passive, and occasionally genuine? I hope to guard my heart against being phony and not be passive where I don’t need to be. Here’s to an authentic 2021 of flower farming!