Harvest Stage for Cut Flowers

One of the trickiest things to learn as a flower farmer is knowing the harvest stage for cut flowers. Which, in my opinion, is different then knowing at what stage […]
The Buzz about Sustainable and Regenerative Farming

The Buzz about Sustainable and Regenerative Farming Remember farming with a plow and horse? Probably not… The irony is the latest buzz about sustainable and regenerative farming, in my opinion, […]
A Time for Planning

A Time for Planning I recently saw a post from a fellow flower farmer describing a flower farmer’s “schedule”. She amusingly described it as 9 months of the year as […]
Seed Companies and Materials Review

Updated ~ 2/8/24 I wanted to come up with a more catchy title, but was afraid I’d spend an hour just trying to find one! So, Seed Companies and Materials […]
A gazillion ways to foster flowers

Fostering a flower takes a little know-how. What in the world do I mean by ‘fostering a flower’? Are there really a gazillion ways to foster flowers? Flowers grow best […]
It started with a passion…

It started with a passion for gardening. I was introduced to the idea of flower farming early 2019, and several years back I attended a class to become a Master […]